Does the thought of creating a nutritious and delicious meal first thing in the morning overwhelm you? I am not by nature a morning person, so it sure used to overwhelm me! In fact, when it came to planning out my meals for the week, I pretty much ignored breakfast altogether, figuring I could just wing it after that first cup of coffee. 🙈
What I've observed from my family's experience is that when I don't plan nutrient-dense breakfasts with sufficient protein, we tend to make less-than-ideal choices, and then crash and burn way before lunch. Which doesn't exactly set us up to thrive the rest of the day!
So here's what I've found--with a little creative thinking and strategic planning ahead of time, you can achieve nutrient density and protein-staying power even at breakfast, and it can be super simple!
Here's my process:(1) Ahead of time, brainstorm nutritious and delicious breakfast ideas that your family loves, with a focus on rounding up a high quality protein, nutrient-dense carbs, and healthy fats. Save this as an ongoing list to refer back to and add to as more ideas come to mind.
(2) Pick at least 3 to include in your meal plan that week. I typically choose three options and then alternate them, using each option twice.
(3) Write those down on your calendar, weekly meal plan, smart phone app, whatever you use to keep track of such things.
(4) Shop for those ingredients, stocking up on non-perishables if possible.
(5) Execute your plan! 😃
Need some recipe inspiration to get ya started? Here are THREE smoothie recipes that my family loves---free of refined sugars, grain, and dairy. These come together quickly and are perfect for this time in the summer. Pair one of these smoothies with a side of scrambled eggs or some bacon, and you're all set!
#1: Beet & Berry Power Smoothie
What I love about this one (pictured above) is that we're able to start out the day with a dose of fruit and veggies, PLUS work in the abundance of carrots and beets we've been getting in our weekly veggie CSA share. So far 2 out of my 3 kids have tried and loved it! And I've got high hopes for the third.😉
#2: Chocolate Milkshake
My 7-yr old begs for this one pretty much every day. And since it's real food AND real good for you, I'm happy to oblige!
*If you need to make this one dairy-free, I recommend swapping out the cow's milk with cashew milk.
#3: Strawberry Smoothie
As I mentioned previously, we often dish up a side of eggs with our smoothies! Stay tuned for more on that next time...
Meanwhile, does your family enjoy smoothies in the summertime? Which one of these recipes do you think you'll try first? Share in the comments below! Happy breakfasting!