Top 10 Ways to Use Frankincense

Frankincense is rightfully dubbed the "King of Oils."  It's an excellent choice for such a wide variety of health concerns that in my oily community we always say, "When in doubt use Frankincense!"   

The use of Frankincense (as with many other essential oils) dates back to ancient times, and we know from the account of Jesus' birth and the Epiphany in the gospel of Matthew that it was one of the gifts the wise men presented to the Christ-child.  And for good reason!  

It's fitting then that dōTERRA refers to it as the "gift of kings" and offers it as a special freebie every December (more details below*).  But first things first...

Why do we use Frankincense essential oil and how
Let's start with why, with what I consider to be the top 10 benefits of Frankincense:

1. Supports healthy cellular function 
Frankincense can have a powerful impact on cellular activity going on inside the body, with an ability to discourage harmful cellular replication and promote healthy cellular regeneration.  Emerging medical research indicates that the chemical constituents naturally occurring in Frankincense have the ability to induce apoptosis (a type of cell death the body employs to trash unneeded or abnormal cells) and prevent unhealthy cell proliferation.  

Having had close family members struggle with harmful cellular replication, as well as my own personal experience with the proliferation of unhealthy thyroid cells, this for me is huge!   And because it's one of my top health concerns, I incorporate Frankincense into my daily routine.  (See below for more on how I do that.)

2.  Promotes a healthy immune response 
Whether it's seasonal concerns, environmental threats common to the fall and winter months, or other ongoing immune support concerns, Frankincense is fantastic for supporting the proper functioning of the immune system.  It also has the ability to increase the activity of leukocytes, which supports the body's defenses and promotes a healthy response. (Modern Essentials Reference Guide, 8th Ed.)

3.  Cleanses, restores, and rejuvenates skin
It's a popular choice for skincare---for cleansing and soothing occasional skin irritations, as well as for smoothing out the complexion, restoring skin's healthy glow, and reducing the appearance of occasional blemishes.
4.  Soothes occasional joint and muscle discomfort
Because of its soothing properties and ability to support a healthy inflammatory response, Frankincense is an excellent choice for managing discomfort in joints and muscles.  It can also improve the efficacy of other essential oils when layered and used together with them.

5.  Relieves occasional head and neck tension
6.  Supports healthy respiratory function
7.  Promotes calming, grounding, and relaxation
8.  Soothes and calms the nervous system
9. Supports healthy brain and cognitive function
10.  Helps to restore emotional balance

So how can we use Frankincense essential oil to maximize these benefits?  Depending on the health concern you're addressing, Frankincense can be used one (or all) of three ways: topically, internally and aromatically.  

Here are the top 10 ways my family uses Frankincense:

1.  For healthy cellular function 
  • Add a drop under the tongue before bedtime.  (Sublingual application is the most direct means of getting an essential oil into the bloodstream.)  
  • Apply topically to areas of concern.  I swipe Frankincense (diluted) onto the thyroid area of my neck every morning.
2.  For immune support
  • Support the immune system with a DIY "FLOOM" roller
    • Add 10 drops each essential oils of Frankincense, Lavender, OreganoOnGuard, and Melaleuca to a 10mL roller bottle and top off with fractionated coconut oil.  
    • Roll along the spine and onto the bottoms of the feet when fighting something. 
  • For targeted immune (and cellular) support as it relates to the thyroid, this is a great roller blend:
    • 20 drops Clove essential oil
    • 20 drops Myrrh essential oil
    • 25 drops Frankincense essential oil
    • 10 drops Lemongrass essential oil
    • Fractionated coconut oil to fill a 10mL roller bottle
3.  For occasional owies 

  • Use Frankincense in a DIY owie spray (or roller) --repurpose an empty 15mL essential oil bottle and add 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops Melaleuca, and 5 drops Frankincense. Top off with fractionated coconut oil, and add a spray top.  Apply on location as needed.

4.  For soothing discomfort in muscles or joints 
  • Apply topically/layer with Deep Blue rub.
  • Add a drop of Frankincense to lotion or carrier oil and massage onto affected area.
5.  For healthy, glowing, younger-looking skin
  • Add a drop of Frankincense to facial moisturizer and apply to face, neck, and décolletage. 
  • Apply neat or diluted to reduce appearance of blemishes and scars.
  • Frankincense is one of the essential oils in dōTERRA's Immortelle "Anti-Aging blend" which is another great option if using regularly for this purpose.
6.  For head/neck tension
  • Dilute in a a carrier oil and massage gently onto temples, forehead, and back of neck. 
  • We like this DIY roller for a "Happy Head."  To a 10mL roller, add:
    • 10 drops Frankincense essential oil
    • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
    •  10 drops Lavender essential oil.
    • Top off with fractionated coconut oil, insert roller top, and shake to blend.
    • Roll onto temples and back of neck.
  • Got the kind of intense head tension that makes you super sensitive to light and queasy in your stomach?  
    • Add 1 drop Frankincense to your finger and press to the roof of your mouth.  
    • Apply frequently the "Happy Head" roller or dōTERRA's PastTense blend (includes Frankincense essential oil).
7.  For healthy respiratory function
  • Dilute and apply Frankincense topically to chest and back, over the lung area.
  • Make a "Breathe Easy" respiratory roller.  To a 10mL empty roller bottle, add:
    • 10 drops Frankincense essential oil 
    • 10 drops Lime essential oil
    • 15 drops Siberian Fir essential oil
    • 15 drops Marjoram essential oil
    • Fractionated coconut oil to fill 
    • Note:  You can tweak the amounts of essential oil and dilute more or less to suit your preference/needs.
  • Diffuse Frankincense with any of the essential oils mentioned in the roller recipe above.
8.  For calming and relaxing
  • Inhale from the bottle or diffuse.
  • For better sleep at night, apply Frankincense to the bottoms of feet before bedtime, and diffuse with Cedarwood essential oil.
9. For healthy brain/cognitive function
  • Take a drop under the tongue daily.
  • Apply topically to the area under the nose and on the back of the neck.
  • Diffuse. Here's one of our favorite diffuser blends for this: to the diffuser, add 3 drops each essential oils of Frankincense, Douglas Fir, and Grapefruit.   
10. For emotional balance
  • Inhale from the bottle or diffuse.
  • Dilute and apply along the spine, behind the ears, and onto the bottoms of the feet.

How do you use Frankincense?  Which of these ways are you most excited to try?

**If you don't already have this one in your stash, I'd love to help you get in on this month's FREE Frankincense!  This is your special gift from dōTERRA with any order of 200 PV (the equivalent of about $200 in essential oils; PV stands for "product value" ).  With a retail value of about $90, that's a truly lovely deal!  Shoot me an email if you have questions or want more details. :)

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