Top 7 Ways to Use Clove Essential Oil

Clove essential oil is a powerful antioxidant and definitely one to consider making part of your daily routine. We typically associate this one with its benefits for our oral health, and it's a popular choice for using in toothpaste and for discomfort in the teeth/gums.

But it can also benefit us in several other ways, including (but not limited to!)--- 
  • supporting healthy liver and brain function,
  • boosting immunity,
  • promoting healthy circulation and blood flow,
  • supporting healthy thyroid function,
  • fighting unwanted microorganisms in our intestinal tract, 
  • supporting emotional balance, and
  • promoting a healthy immune response to seasonal and environmental threats.

Here's another fun fact for you---perhaps you’ve heard of the ORAC scale, which is a way of measuring antioxidant value and stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.” On this scale, dried Clove measures about 300,000; the essential oil, however, measures over 1 million!*

Because it's such a nutritional powerhouse, Clove essential oil is included in several of dōTERRA's essential oil blends and products, including the OnGuard blend, the OnGuard toothpaste, and the xEO Mega supplement (part of the Lifelong Vitality supplement trio). When you're in the habit of using one or more of these, it's super easy and convenient to make Clove part of your daily routine both topically and internally!

But of course, I also enjoy and highly recommend using Clove on its own! Here are my top 7 ways to use this one:
Top 7 Ways to Use Clove Essential Oil 
1.  Dilute and rub onto gums for oral discomfort.  For diluting, I recommend starting with 1 drop of Clove essential oil in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and see how that goes. You can always add more essential oil if needed.

2.  Add 1 drop to an ounce of water and gargle to soothe throat discomfort.

3.  Take 2 drops in a veggie cap internally to support cardiovascular health, brain health, and thyroid health.

4.  Diffuse for emotional balance.  I'm gonna camp out on this one for a minute because I know many of us struggle in this area and I've been really excited to learn more about the positive impact Clove can have on our emotional wellness. 

Known as the "oil of boundaries" Clove essential oil can help you go from feeling dominated to feeling supported. It assists you in overcoming fearful and defeated feelings, and promoting empowered feelings of courage and independence instead.  

Try using it in one of these delightful diffuser blends:

Pumpkin Patch
5 drops Tangerine
3 drops Cinnamon Bark
1 drop Clove

October Breeze
4 drops Siberian Fir
2 drops Cinnamon Bark
2 drops Douglas Fir
1 drop Clove

Home Sweet Home
3 drops Tangerine
3 drops Rosemary
1 drop Clove

5.  Take 1 drop in a veggie cap or 8 oz. glass of water to maintain a healthy intestinal tract that's unfriendly to harmful microorganisms and other environmental threats. 

6.  Use in baking/cooking as a replacement for dried ground clove.  A good general rule of thumb is to swap out 1 teaspoon ground Clove with 1 drop Clove essential oil.  Just remember that the essential oil is highly concentrated and really packs a punch!  If you're not sure, always start with less and add more as needed.  To do that, dip a toothpick into the orifice of the essential oil bottle and then stir in with your other ingredients.  

7.  Make this DIY roller blend to use daily and support healthy thyroid function. Roll onto neck over thyroid area in the morning and evening.

Healthy Thyroid Roller Blend
Ingredients and Supplies
10 mL glass roller bottle
20 drops Clove essential oil
20 drops Myrrh essential oil
25 drops Frankincense essential oil
10 drops Lemongrass essential oil
Fractionated Coconut Oil

1. Add essential oils to empty glass roller bottle.
2. Top off with fractionated coconut oil.
3. Insert roller ball and cap, and shake to blend well.
4. Apply at least once daily over thyroid (on both sides of your neck just below Adam's apple).

Which of these uses are you most excited to try?  Share in the comments below!

Need to add this one to your stash of natural solutions? Click here to order, or message me to get the scoop on how you can snag this one at a 25% discount!

If you're already a dōTERRA member, a full-sized 15mL bottle of Clove essential oil is your FREE gift when you place your monthly Loyalty order of at least 125 points by the 15th of this month (October). Just a few more days to get in on this one, so make sure to place that Loyalty order! Not sure what I'm talking about?? Contact me for the details! :)

*from The Essential Life reference guide, 4th edition

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